Meez'in the world of

BBB Bye-Bye Bali

Holy Shit. & BB Bali.

The last 2 days in Bali had been lets say challenging somehow. It really knocked us out both and to explore the island with an energy level near zero is quite a bit hard with the tropical heat. But we were tough to fight back and enjoyed another handful of wonderful chilly places (and their bathrooms) near Seminyak and Canggu, close enough to quickly escape to our Villa again when needed. Unfortunately we had to cancel our island trip to beautiful Nusa Lembongan that we had planned. White sandy beaches and Caribbean turquoise water need to wait for our next Bali trip. Although rainy season we had extremely hot weather with blue sky and no rain for the last days. Generally this is something to mention, to go to Bali during rainy season is not as bad as it might sound to us. There is maybe one shower every day but the rest of the day it is nice – I mean especially in our winter season we are blessed with these temperatures of over 30 degrees only. So no fear of rainy season. Today we left Bali with a heavy and very light heart (due to the weight loss that we now already have… ) to head to Singapore. I am so curious to see because although I have been to Asia many times already, I never made it there. We will spent three days as a stop-over. So bye-bye Bali, you have been wonderful. And we forgive you as you gave us so much. 🙏😍


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